8 Ways To Boost Your Child's Learning Ability
26 JULY 8 WAYS TO BOOST YOUR CHILD'S LEARNING ABILITY 1. Read out loud Reading aloud is the foundation for literacy development. It provides children with a demonstration of phrasing and fluent reading. This will exercise your vocal organs like lips, tongue and throat. Reading out loud can act as a practice ground for other components of your speech, such as 'Pauses', 'Emphasis' and Pace (slow or fast) of your speech. This can boost confidence, reduce hesitation, sharpens focus, increase your vocabulary and results in greater reading comprehension. At LWA, which is one of the best CBSE School located off the Vandalur Kelambakkam road, we emphasize on the practice of reading out loud. 2. Track what your child is studying at school, home and homework book One of the biggest concerns of parents today is getting their child to do homework and studies on time and effectively. Homework bridges the learning at school and home. Make a schedule and adhere to it. Find a qui...